It’s a new year, filled with exciting new prospects and uncertainty. Regardless, some things are (almost) guaranteed to happen in 2019.
The magic of New Year’s is that it represents a beginning. Whether it’s by making resolutions, or just hoping that this new year will be better than the last, January 2019 is a great time to reflect, make goals, and look to the future with renewed hope and ambition.
Whatever we may wish for this year - whether it’s success, fulfillment of personal goals, or simply better weather, there are some things that we already know are almost certainly going to happen this year. These predictions give us anticipation for the upcoming 365 days, and a sense of just how much potential for new experiences 2019 holds.
In January, there is more determination than in any other month to follow our New Year’s Resolutions while they last. It’s also the month of the 76th Golden Globes, as well as the month Netflix’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events” comes to an end. There’s also some political upheaval this month, as new legislators take power in the United States following last November’s midterm elections. Also, a space probe landed on the “dark side” of the Moon on January 3, marking a significant advance in space exploration (and snapping the first ever photos of the dark side).
This is the month of the Family Day long weekend, for those TFS students already looking forward to the next break. Some things to look forward to include the Grammy and Academy Awards, as well as the Super Bowl.
March Break is only around two months away from us! Also this upcoming March is the heavily anticipated release of “Captain Marvel.”

April brings another CoffeeHouse to TFS. Expect some terrible puns on April 1.
“Avengers 4: Endgame” is released, and long-running sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” comes to end after a run lasting more than a decade. The Level Vs graduate, but not before having some fun with the school on Prank Day. Eurovision 2019 is held in Israel, and elections for the European parliament and the Alberta legislature are held in May as well. In other news, the definition of a kilogram is set to change this May: it will no longer be based on a platinum-iridium block stored in France, a system which has led to measurements in mass inconveniently changing once in a while.
June brings the Stanley Cup Finals, along with SpaceX expecting to launch its first crewed flight into orbit. Also coming up in June 2019 is another installment in the “Men in Black” and “Toy Story” franchises.
“Spider-Man 2” is released, along with the live-action remake of “Lion King.” In other news, Queen & Adam Lambert are coming to Toronto on July 28, and tickets are already on sale.
The CNE reopens this August.
This upcoming September brings the Emmy Awards, as well as the expected release of new iPhones.
October 2019 brings the Canadian Federal Election, as well as the launch of the European Space Agency’s CHEOPS space telescope, which will study the formation of extrasolar planets. On October 22, Elton John’s “Farewell Yellow Brick Road” tour returns to Toronto after more than a year.
It’s strange to already be looking forward to November Break almost a year from now, but it is coming up, along with the release of second installments in “Wonder Woman” and “Frozen.”
Other than the upcoming Winter Break, the next December also brings “Star Wars: Episode IX” and the announcement of 2019’s Nobel laureates. Then comes 2020.