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Windows to the Soul: Selected Poems (4)

Two Cans and A String

Call me.

If you call me then we can talk.

We can talk about you and me and how we’re both going to die someday.

Call me.

If you call me then we can meet up.

We can meet up and walk around with snow in our hair and butterflies in our stomachs.

Call me.

If you call me then then we can reveal all our secrets.

We can tell each other everything we were thinking when we were together

and everything when we weren’t.

Call me and I promise I’ll answer.

Wish upon a fallen Star

I wish I could say I were


I wish I could say I were


when you let me down


but I’m not -

just so tired


You are the sun and I am the moon. I don’t care if it hurts my eyes.

I want to stare right at you.

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